INTRODUCTORY ODYSSEY for GROUPS, teams & organizations
An invitation to rethink how we lead, work, and enact change.
In a world that never stops spinning, we pause to lead differently, breaking old beliefs and conventions. A journey beyond usual leadership, finding real selves, sparking true change in all.
In this introductory half-day session, we introduce your team to our revolutionary workshops. Embark on a transformative journey and unlock the power of inner leadership. Discover a new horizon of personal and professional growth.
Meet leaderone
Ready to chart a new odyssey that unlocks human potential and the workplace of the future—today?
Our innovative Forward Thinking Workplaces and Space Beyond Boundaries inspired workshops reshape leadership and organizational change from the inside out. Learn how to surpass conventional leadership and organizational change models. To adeptly navigate today’s intricate world, leaders must access and integrate their whole selves, embracing advanced insights into mind functioning.
Meet the Workshop Team
We are not just navigating but championing this era of significant change, meeting its challenges head-on with our creative, experienced, and unique approaches to personal growth and leadership development.
Bill Fox, Founder, LeaderONE
My mission is to educate, inspire and empower humans for the 21st century. I believe the inside out path is the journey we all must take in the 21st century.
John Ryskowski, Transformation & Change Leader
This workshop will help you discover the space beyond your boundaries by reprogramming and un-bounding your subconscious.
Wolfgang Fiebig, Facilitator, Mentor & Coach
We need different ways of thinking and working, but most people are stuck in their habitual ways. The workshops are an excellent vehicle for opening up.
Inspiring greatness and truth from the inside out.
What I found curious was that the connection many in the workshop related to their telling was very personal and went well beyond the words in the quote. (a door opening of sorts)
Gwen Kinsey
Leadership Coach
I have this embodied vibration experience and feel a lot of love here. It reenergizes me to continue working hard to bring that into my organization and make a difference in the world.
Claude Cloutier
Managing Dir., Accenture
A profound experience immersing in this container for new leadership! It embodies deep reverence with new resonant possibilities ready to blossom.
Bobbye Middendorf
Inner Wisdom Keeper
We need to tap into our unconscious and our full selves to deal with the complexity of today’s world. Because you can’t just manage complexity through your prefrontal cortex. We’ve got to use our entire brain and our entire body.
Liz Guthridge
Leadership Coach
The LeaderONE workshop will help you discover the space beyond your boundaries by reprogramming and un-bounding your subconscious.
John Ryskowski
Transformation Leader
We need different ways of thinking and working, but most people are stuck in their habitual ways. We need new entry points. The cards are an excellent vehicle for opening up and igniting more people to new ways of being, thinking, and doing.
Wolfgang Fiebig
Facilitator, Mentor & Coach
© 2023